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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 12/03/07
The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, December 3, 2007 in the meeting room at the C. H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT. ~~First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

PRESENT:~~~~~~~~First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Herbert Rosenthal, Selectman  Paul Mangiafico.

ALSO PRESENT: ~Finance Director Ben Spragg, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Fairfield Hills Authority members Robert Geckle, Amy Dent and Moira Rodgers, Legislative Council chairman William Rodgers and members Joseph DiCandido and Patricia Llodra, Board of Finance chairman John Kortze, Public Building and Site Commission chairman William Furrier approximately ten members of public, one member of press

VOTER COMMENTS: ~~Bob Merola, 20 Ashford Lane, asked that the meeting schedules be posted on line as they usually are. Mr. Rosenthal noted that that this was an oversight last week but that the only requirement is that they be posted in the Town Clerk’s office.

Will Rodgers, 208 Hattertown Road, distributed and discussed “One Page Brief Sheet from 11/29/07 Meeting re Fairfield Hills” (Attachment A to original minutes). He noted that meeting was attended by himself, O&G, the Fairfield Hills Authority chairman, the Financial Director, the First Selectman and the Public Building and Site Commission chairman. Discussed were: 1) What would be the cost to stop or indefinitely suspend construction of a municipal office building at Bridgeport Hall (direct costs - $1.3 M owed to O&G; immediate direct costs approx. $3.2M). 2) What amount of money would be freed up to be used for other purposes at Fairfield Hills in accordance with the original bonding parameters if municipal office space work was stopped (approx. $8 million). 3) What percentage of the space in the municipal office building is dedicated to the Board of Education? (24% sole use, 32% total with common areas, state reimbursement up to $629K). 4) Will the town hall come in at the $10.5 budgeted? (Yes, contract is for a fixed price). 5) What will be the costs of merely delaying the project (O&G est. .5%/mo, 6% annually and two lost leases, total cost $1.38M). 6) When would the potential lessees need to know if the Town is still committed to going forward as planned? (“Days not weeks” per Fairfield Hills Authority chairman).  

Mr. Rodgers urged the Board of Selectmen to give an indication that the project should go forward as scheduled. He said that a delay would be tantamount to a defeat. He noted that this matter as well as revisions to the Fairfield Hills Master Plan are under the jurisdiction of the Fairfield Hills Authority and the Board of Selectmen and that the Legislative Council has a bigger picture of the actions and responsibilities concerning Fairfield Hills. He noted that the majority of members of the Legislative Council he spoke to since the Fairfield Hills Authority issued their report at the end of September are behind the project moving forward.

Dennis Bloom, 25 Philo Curtis Road, asked why would anyone consider delaying this project which has been started. We should move forward.

Gary Davis, 23 Charter Ridge Drive, said that $1.3 million will be spent on Phase I and that the leases are a sticky issue. He said that other leases that were presented did not go forward and that leases were negotiated in the last three months in time for the elections. If we do not go forward with these leases, there is still opportunity to capture these funds. He feels that this is not a good project. He said that a case has not been made to the community and the fact that they are not behind it resulted in a change in government. We should take a different look.  He was not able to get answers that he has looked for. Take time to review where we are and where we would like to go. People that he spoke to said do not go forward and want a different use. Review before making a decision.

Bob Geckle, 35 Queen Street, is the chairman of the Fairfield Hills Authority. He noted that there were three erroneous statements made. He said that the statement that the Fairfield Hills Authority  negotiated the leases in the last three months to push them through by the time of the election is not true. Those activities were taking place for over three years, especially the negotiations with Hawley Construction and Danbury Health. Also, the Authority never did turn down a lease in the past. About not being informed, the Fairfield Hills Authority’s meetings were open to the public and the Authority diligently portrayed the financial status at those meetings. Public participation at these meetings was very minimal. All of the Fairfield Hills activities are noted on the website. Also on the website is the Authority’s offer to participate in the community, including meeting with other groups concerning the campus. He said there is a lease pending with Hawley Construction and Danbury Hospital and that a delay will  severely jeopardize our ability to move the lease forward.

Amy Dent, Country Squire Road, is a member of the Fairfield Hills Authority. She noted that The Bee diligently reported the activities of the Fairfield Hills Authority. She feels that those who feel uninformed only talk to each other and is glad to see that some have put their money where their mouth is.

Guy Howard, 4 Main Street, is concerned about a project that may cost millions of dollars. We should be able to step back for a few days and review a project that has been going on for years; if we can go for seven days from now we should be able to go thirty days. The first selectman had said that no body had unilateral authority to stop him. We should now take this opportunity. If the leases don’t go, they don’t go.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, said there is a perception that the leases were completed in the last two months before the election. There is a strong desire for a change. People felt disenfranchised. How does the Fairfield Hills project fit in with the needs of the Town? Will the lease agreements have a cost benefit to the Town? Stop and rethink Fairfield Hills.

John Kortze, 52 Cobblers Mill Road, is chairman of the Board of Finance. He said that this has become a political issue. The Board of Finance is concerned with the fact that there are costs with changing course. It has been hard enough to get a budget passed. We want to make sure you take under advisement the fact that something of this magnitude should weigh heavy. Moody’s looks at a municipality’s style of management and that fact that it should adopt and stick to a plan. Any deviation from this may be creating a problem. The Board of Finance has asked for a joint meeting with the Boards of Selectmen and Education and asked the Legislative Council for an extension to define a Capital Improvement Plan. The public does get involved in the process with every referendum and they are concerned with expenses.

Bob Merola, 20 Ashford Lane, notes that there are many elected officials present tonight. He hears people talking out of both sides of their mouth. If it costs 13-20% more to stop a plan I don’t want to do that. Move forward; build a town hall; stop bickering.

Barbara Bloom, 25 Philo Curtis Road, said it would be a tragedy to back out at this point. We will lose leases. Move forward.

Nancy Roznicki, 169 Hanover Road, said why not wait and analyze and make a sound decision.

Sarah Beier, 7 Yogananda Street, is disappointed that this is being reviewed. Stay the course. She is concerned that people came into office as IPN puppets. Do not reopen this.

Al Roznicki, 169 Hanover Road, asked do we want to spend another $8.5 million for a town hall in view of other priorities.

Honorable Julia Wasserman asked for an explanation of the financial situation in this picture. Mr. Geckle and Mr. Rodgers noted that a meeting was held to receive input from O&G, the Fairfield Hills Authority, the Financial Director, the First Selectman and the Public Building and Site Commission. Mr. Rosenthal noted that he was not present at that meeting. Of the $1.3 million, $400,000-500,000 was remediation work with a net cost to O&G of $800,000. Cost for O&G to mothball Bridgeport Hall would be $500,000 to $1.5 million. The remediation costs would be lost if Phase II does not follow. Bridgeport Hall is in worse shape now than when work was begun.

Mr. Geckle said that there would be indirect costs for: lost tax revenue, the cost to mothball, loss of Kevin’s Community Center, additional rental costs to the Town, loss of a possible $500,000 grant for infrastructure to support this plan. Mr. Geckle noted also   the final lease for the Newtown Youth Academy which is under construction, letters of intent for five duplexes for a total of $700,000, a letter of intent of $480,000 for Stratford Hall, a lease for Newtown Hall for $650,000 with Hawley Construction. We would lose Kevin’s Community Center because they are interested in that building. There is a request for a $500,000 state grant for Kevin’s. Common area charges have been established for an estimated $100,000 per year. Annual estimated tax revenue would be $75,000 to $100,000.  Danbury Health would like a presence in Newtown by the fall of next year. Mr. Geckle said that it will cost Hawley $2.5 to $3 million to renovate the building and they are concerned that they may be the only investor.

Mrs. Dent noted that the buildings for which the town has letters of intent are all scheduled for renovation and were scheduled to be mothballed. If they were to be mothballed, it had to be done yesterday. We have to do this now.

Bill Furrier 9 Erin Lane, is the chairman of the Public Building and Site Commission. He had an issue with the number that Mr. Rodgers presented. He said that review of O&G costs by Public Building indicated that $480,000 are costs to date to design the town hall, and $800,000 is the cost of selective demolition. He said we could change direction immediately or continue with the exterior and no additional changes. The net cost to the town to mothball would be $500,000 and the town would design the building in the future.

Marie Momoscovichy (sp), 41Berkshire Road, said that 84 votes is not a big mandate to stop in our tracks. Fairfield Hills Authority has been very transparent. What credibility would this give to the town? This would be a precedent. This could be changed by someone else again in two years. Fairfield Hills is sitting and losing money right now.

Po Murray, 38 Charter Ridge Drive, said that the town has never evaluated other uses for Bridgeport Hall. Take a look. We may not lose as much according to Mr. Furrier.

Sarah Beier, 7 Yogananda, said what if we decided to revisit the High School expansion? This is not leadership.


Selectman Mangiafico asked Selectman Borst  will we discuss this tonight to which Selectman Borst said he does not plan to discuss it or vote tonight. He plans to visit Bridgeport Hall on Thursday to assess what is going on and what can we legally do. Selectman Mangiafico moved to add the item “Fairfield Hills” to the agenda. Second by Selectman Rosenthal. Selectman Mangiafico said that time is of the essence. Vote on motion: YES (2) (Mangiafico, Rosenthal). NO(1) (Borst). Motion carried.

A member of the audience attempted to address the Board of Selectmen at this time but was declared to be out of order.

Selectman Borst noted that Fairfield Hills would be discussed at the end of the meeting.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: ~Upon motion by Selectman Rosenthal, the minutes of the 11/19/07 meeting were unanimously accepted as presented.



Appointment of Town Agent. Selectman Borst moved that Selectman Mangiafico be appointed Town Agent. Second by Selectman Rosenthal and unanimously carried.

Appointment of Clerk. Selectman Borst deleted this item from the agenda.

Meeting Schedule. Selectman Borst read the meeting dates proposed for 2008 (Attachment B to the original minutes). Selectman Mangiafico suggested that one or both of the monthly meetings be scheduled at 7:30 rather than at 5:30 as at present.  After discussion, Selectman Rosenthal moved to adopt the meeting schedule as presented  with the meetings to be held at 7:30 p.m. contingent upon the availability of the Meeting Room in the C. H. Booth Library. Second by Selectman Mangiafico and unanimously carried.

Road acceptance, Winton Farm and Short Hill Roads. Selectman Mangiafico moved to accept Winton Farm and Short Hill Roads “Winton Farm” Subdivision into the Highway System and to set a maintenance bond in the amount of $46,400.00 to be held by the Town for one year. ~~Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Driveway Bond Releases/Extensions. Selectman Rosenthal  moved to approve one six-month extension for a driveway bond to Kevin McNeil 71 Algonquin Trail in the amount of $1,000.00  (Attachment C to original minutes).  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

At this time, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer left the meeting. ~

Transfers. Selectman Rosenthal moved to transfer from Account 01570-2000 Contingency $3,601.00  to Account 01360-0003 Lake Zoar Authority. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Selectman Mangiafico moved to transfer from Account 01570-2000 Contingency $5,720.00 to Account 01180-1007 Election Workers . Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Tax Refunds Selectman Rosenthal moved December 2007 Tax Refunds  in the amount of $7,956.87. Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Appointments/Reappointments Selectman Rosenthal moved to re-appoint Michael Manes, 21 Aunt Park Lane, as a member of the Design Advisory Board for a term to expire on 11/01/09. ~Motion seconded and unanimously carried.

Executive Session. None.

Fairfield Hills. Selectman Mangiafico said that we are in a very difficult place now. He noted that we elected officials are not puppets of the IPN as a speaker stated tonight.  He said that this should not be considered a win/lose situation. We should do what is best for the Town. It is no longer a question of whether we want to spend money on a town hall. We must consider what we should do given the circumstances today. The meeting last Thursday confirmed that many people want something different to happen and a lot of people want this program to continue. On the commercial side, we would get $2 million if we go forward with what we have. We would also generate $95,000 in tax revenue.  When Bridgeport Hall is finished at a cost of $10.5 million, we would get $600,000 back from the State for the Board of Education. We would have a completely renovated Bridgeport Hall by the fall of next year. We are paying $300,000 to lease at Pecks Lane. We would receive $2 million in leases and $100,000 in tax revenue as well as hundreds of thousands if Kevin’s Community Center goes into the currently designated area. I do not want to waste $2.5 million which is 2.5% of the Town’s operating budget. We do not want to deal with indecision and lack of clarity.  He did not hear a compelling reason to stop and hold off on this. Stopping would send a bad signal. Selectman Mangiafico said that one lessee dropped out of a duplex and another said that with a significant delay he will pull out. It is his opinion that we should move forward as planned.

Selectman Borst said that he did not have the opportunity to fully review the matter. He is going to Bridgeport Hall on Thursday to look at the project and would like O&G Project Manager David Cravanzola to be there. He will not make a decision until then.

Selectman Mangiafico said that if we leave the project and walk away these buildings will fall down. He said that the Town would lose $2.8 million to renovate Newtown Hall and he does not want this to happen. He does not consider this a rush to judgment.

Mr. Borst said that he never said he wanted to stop the program. He said he wanted to review this. We will move forward one way or another.

Selectman Mangiafico asked when may the Board of Selectmen schedule a special meeting to decide about moving forward. Selectman Borst replied in a week. When Selectman Mangiafico asked if a special meeting would be held on Monday, Selectman  Borst replied that that would depend on his deliberations over the weekend. Selectman Mangiafico said that he would make a motion tonight unless Selectman Borst committed to scheduling a special meeting next week .

Selectman Mangiafico moved that the Board of Selectmen issue this position statement, and it is a position statement, that we will continue moving along the present plan regarding the use of  Bridgeport Hall in Fairfield Hills and encourage the commercial use of the duplexes, Stratford, and Newtown Halls as currently planned. Second by Selectman Rosenthal. Vote on motion YES(2)  (Mangiafico, Rosenthal) NO (1) Borst). Motion carried.

Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem